Plugged in will be commencing on 18 June, and consist of a six day digital research lab of intensive private workshops and public programme.
18.06 Plugged in Resources (these will be updated
unfolding on Instagram and via WARP bulletin
20.06 Introductions
potluck presentation, chat room free write
21.06 Pedestrain Provocations
group reading, offline walk, collaboration
7pm Collaborative Prompt
walk exchange, see Instagram
27.06 Context
workshop with Gary-Martin, introduction to Småland with Magnus Grehn, imagining place discussion
7pm Video Release
imagining places mash-up
28.06 Forced Collaboration
group discussion, collaboration
01.07 Collaborative Prompt
chat room free write, see Instagram
The project will unfold across these digital spaces:
@site_sit, @kultivera_tranas, @g39cardiff, and @g39warp
*Due to Covid-19, Artist as Map Maker has been postponed to 2021.