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Through Restless Practice, Site Sit invites artists to work alongside and actively participate with the research; to bring their creative processes, skill sets and ideas to the table. This enables questions to be asked, and responded to through creative activity, with the development of artwork(s) as inherent to the process. 


Below are the artists who are/have contributed to the project so far. 

They are collectively from, currently based or have previously lived in: Wales, England, Scotland, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finnland, France, Japan, Catalonia, Greece, Austria, Belgium… *


* Where are we from and why does it matter? ...




















My current research studies the perception of wilderness. From this, my work references the collaboration between memory, nostalgia, fiction, the media and their combined role in creating versions of place. Can these fragments build an authentic model for place to exist?

My recent project in midwest America involved interviewing park rangers on their role in creating and maintaining ‘authentic’ wilderness, which is echoed within my work. The perception and creation of wilderness is a broad, on-going body of work ranging from human intervention to natural ecologies. I attempt to understand the rich diversity in the way we perceive wilderness and its role in contemporary society.


Birthplace:              Rochford
Previously lived:     Ashingdon and Brighton
Currently Based:    London


Image credit:          Sam Carvosso




I seek the awkward tension between topics and bodies, extracting choreographic ideas from them. I thrive on interdisciplinary teamwork, working collaboratively with other artists to portray the universe we want to create. Extracts from a subject are interpreted through music and then into dance, or dance into text, and so on. I aim for a progressively confused and entertained audience.


Birthplace:              Tokyo
Previously lived:     Tranas, Uppsala, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Tallinn
Currently Based:     Stockholm


Image credit:          Anastasia Semjonova and Fuji Hoffmann



My work sits within the realm of environmental art and audio installation. I combine visual art, scientific research and sound experiences to express my ideas. This creative, multidisciplinary way of working allows me to explore concepts that I would not otherwise be able to access, functioning as a method to open up questions about human nature. My current research project (Un)Heard, plays with the idea of plant communication, by making unheard plant messages heard.


Birthplace:              London

Previously lived:     Devon, Newport, Edinburgh, Toronto

Currently Based:    Cardiff


Image credit:           Peak


I am working on procedural poetry, games and electronic installation, and thinking about copyrights. My current project explores computation and literature as a discussion between two artificial intelligences - each nourished respectively by the texts of Lord Byron and Ada Lovelace - to make possible the impossible discussion between the first programmer in history and her father, the romantic english poet.


Since 2016, I have been trying to go to space on my own, and release planet shaped architectures on Earth through social média and numeric tools.


To this day I still work on Earth.


Born: Earth

Currently Based: Earth

Previously lived: Earth


With a background in dance and architecture, my practice is focused on cross-disciplinary techniques, combining the artistic and scientific, movement and architecture. I am interested in the possibilities for city development through inclusive and interdisciplinary art practices, and in exploring movement that engages with technology.


In my works Supertarget, Transformer and Spiritual Cabaret, I explore present movements in society, where subjects like social media, technological development, food culture and public space are focus points. As a freelancer I have worked on international productions such as, Moving Digits, Common Ground, Moving Beyond Inclusion and Move the Public Space. I am currently a researcher within the project Receptive moving in urban spaces.


Image credit:           Timo Gmeiner, Stephan Jürgens and Outi Elena Valanto





Kultivera vill motverka diskriminering och främja lika rättigheter och möjligheter oavsett kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionshinder, sexuell läggning eller ålder. Allt Kultiveras arbete sker utifrån ett medvetet mångfalds-, jämlikhets- och jämställdhetsperspektiv.


Ett kulturellt nätverk i nära samarbete med:
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Kulturrådet, Litteraturcentrum-Kvu, Spegel, Tranås Kommun, Region Jönköpings län. 

© 2024 by Kultivera

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