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In August 2018 Site Sit undertook a two-week research trip in Småland to explore the possibilities and practicalities of a mobile residency programme. We travelled across the region on foot, and public transport, camping in green spaces and staying at residency hubs, making considered connections with artists, organisations, and individuals, as well as others who we met by chance along the way.


These experiences have acted as a catalyst within this ongoing research, practically and theoretically, and have informed the framework in which other artists, organisations and the public can contribute to the process.


During this time we visited: Tranås, Gränna, Visingsö, Jönköping, Gnosjö, Växjö, Kalmar, Öland, and Mariannelund; met with potential partners including: Magnus Grehn (Tranås Library Manager), Mike Bode (Nya Småland), Filip Zezovski Lind (Jönköping Municipality), Kristina Gernes (Gnosjö Municipality), artist group Kultivator, Anna Mellergård (Konsthall Beteland); and made connections with: Gränna Museum, Kulturhuset in Jönköping and Kalmar Konstmuseum.


Funded by Wales Arts International and Kultivera.

February 2019

Following on from the initial research trip, we were invited to deliver a talk at Smålit Festival, Jönköping. Here, we contributed to the arts programme, which explored ideas of ‘nature’. In keeping with our collaborative working process, and due to other practicalities, Lauren attended in person and Sophie via skype


Our talk considered different characteristics of a nomadic arts practice, how a rucksack can function as a studio, and what it means for artists, places and their communities to move between urban and rural environments.


We also had the opportunity to learn about Sweden based projects engaging in a similar discourse. It was great to see familiar faces; Kultivator shared and discussed their work, and Kultivera had a stand in the literature area. Listening to the in-conversation between artists and scientists from the Österängens Konsthall and Östra Vätterbranterna Biosphere Reserve project, Nature Takes Over, led to significant developments for Restless Practice. Through talking with Project Manager, Jesper O. T. Andersson, we were able to initiate a dialogue about the crossovers in our projects and how we might support one another.


Image credit: Linda Söndergaard, Jönköpings kommun.

Funded by Jönköping Municipality.

May 2019

Jesper invited Site Sit to attend a Biosphere Walk arranged for the artists involved with Nature Takes Over (NTO). Lauren was joined on this trip by artist Teddy Hunter, whose work explores human interaction with nature. This practical weekend excursion enabled us to access the land through the eyes of ecology experts Ola Jennersten and Claes Hellsten. We reflected on how artists can make meaningful interventions that respond to place, as we shared ideas with the nominated NTO artists, and those involved in the production of the project.


Funded by Nature Takes Over and self funded.

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Ett kulturellt nätverk i nära samarbete med:
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Kulturrådet, Litteraturcentrum-Kvu, Spegel, Tranås Kommun, Region Jönköpings län. 

© 2024 by Kultivera

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