LEGACY project April to September Tranås Sweden

We are now welcoming applications from contemporary artists for the Project Legacy; the project is a participatory art project which will be initiated in the Spring 2019 and continue in August 2019. The selected artists will have to participate in both residencies.
Legacy will be curated by Seher Uysal Ph.D.
The project aims at making art accessible to the public and focusing on direct involvement of the audience. Three selected artists will explore Tranås and later produce artworks that are interactive and comment on the idea of bilingualism or inclusion. Collaboration with the local community is essential, and it will be provided through participatory works that directly involve community engagement and through public works that are exposed in the everyday lives of local people. The first research period (Spring 2019) will allow the artists to explore these areas and discuss the idea of reaching out to an audience and to develop their project. The second visit (August 2019) will be to install and complete their works.
Legacy is a collaborative Art project and a themed residency for creating international and intercultural exchange on the issue of multilingualism and explores the way languages influence our culture. Languages penetrate our cultures from rock carvings and pictorial signs to computer screens, from residents to immigrants and assimilate into our common experience. Legacy is a project on bilingualism and how languages effect our cultural histories. Today a significant number of people are bilingual due to their parents cultural backgrounds, displacement and immigration or education. Although bilingualism in itself is an interesting phenomenon and its possibility is a discussion amongst the scholars; language is a home to many of the people who are displaced, who are feeling estranged and have their ties cut off from a culture that they no longer belong to.
Legacy will use multilingualism as a tool for investigating the common experiences of people and how words, languages and signs / symbols affect our cultural and social life through research-based, experimental, public and participatory works of art which will take place in Tranås. During their stay in Tranas the artists will explore the landscape and some historical sites such as the Mada viking stone circle site in Tranås, Hastholmen in Ödeshög, Rökstenen in Mjölby and also visit local schools, Swedish language school for foreigners, local stores and such other public spaces. This renewed qualitative look at inheritance through prism of different languages, ethnic and cultural bilingualism with young people will be manifested through commissioned artworks which will be displayed or performed in public spaces at the end of the project.
You are invited to apply in two easy steps:
1. Personal information and
2. Application details.
All applications must be submitted through our online form: