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Svea Schneider

Svea Schneider

Svea Schneider, born in Germany is a NYC and Lima based dancer, choreographer, performing artist and dance educator. She attended the Iwanson School for Contemporary Dance in Munich/Germany and moved to NYC in 2003 where she extensively trained in urban dance (Breaking, House, Hip Hop), floorwork, contact improvisation and Forsythe technique. Svea has taught and performed throughout Germany, UK, US, Canada, Dubai, India and Peru. She has worked with Pilobolus Dance Theater (PCS), Vissi Dance Theater and extensively toured the US and the UK with Decadancetheatre. As a dancer, Svea has performed at such renowned stages as the South Bank Center, Liverpool Playhouse, B Supreme Festival, Bumbershoot and Jacobs Pillow. Svea has worked for off Broadway, film, TV and commercials, working with companies and artists such as Chris Cornell, Timbaland, Lil’ John, MTV, BET, ABC Networks, Eska Music Video Awards. Svea is the founder of KINEMATIK Dance Theater (2010), an urban contemporary dance company that uses the body, visual imagery, technology and props to create thought provoking and visually stimulating dance experiences. From 2014 to 2015 she moved to Lima/Peru where she was appointed artistic director and principal choreographer of the dance organization “D1 Dance” in Lima. Svea holds a BA (magna cum laude) in choreography and dance anthropology from NYU, received an emerging artist grant from the Brooklyn Council on the Arts and was the recipient of the Leo Bronstein Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Arts. Svea was chosen for the Performance Project Residency from 2011-2012 in NYC, the Flushing Town Hall Dance Residency in 2013 in NYC, and recently participated in the KHOJ International Artist Residency in Pune/India where she created a large-scale site-specific public dance performance in an abandoned hotel. Svea’s work is athletic, thought provoking and dynamic and often explores topics of identity, self/ego, gender, technology, mass media culture, and site-specific public space. Svea is thrilled to be participating in this year’s Dance Ignition Lab!



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Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Kulturrådet, Litteraturcentrum-Kvu, Spegel, Tranås Kommun, Region Jönköpings län. 

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