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Young Writers Lab

Young Writers Lab is an international experimental collaboration for writers and students. It is a project run by a community of writing practioners/facilitators connected with Coracle Europe and Kultivera. Following two successful years of delivering introductions to imaginative and creative writing in Holavadsgymnasiet, Tranås, writers are set to continue the work in exploratory and collaborative ways.

The writing practitioners who are from Portugal and Wales use familiar dramatic and prompt activities to stimulate written, improvised and performed poetry and stories prose. They are working with students from different classes including, English, Swedish, Drama, Business Studies, Economics/Social Sciences, and Swedish as a Second Language. By establishing relationships with key teachers in the school the practitioners will be extending their contact by offering on-line and virtual sessions to groups of young students in Holavadsgymnasiet until they can visit again in 2017. The practitioners have complimentary styles and literary interests across poetry, short stories, novella, visual writings, installations and spoken word performance.

The international writers work in English and believe that their work can open new opportunities and perspectives in language arts to support their teachers and the formal curriculum. However, the workshops and session between writers & students crosses several languages since writers come from different cultures and countries and students too. Swedish, English, Portuguese, Arabic and other languages/dialects are a tool for sharing culture, writings and ideas. In this project languages are not a barrier it is rather a creative tool of understanding the importance of language and writing.

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Ett kulturellt nätverk i nära samarbete med:
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Kulturrådet, Litteraturcentrum-Kvu, Spegel, Tranås Kommun, Region Jönköpings län. 

© 2024 by Kultivera

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