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Asylum of Art AiR Tranås 2015

Asylum of Art AiR Tranås 2015

Asylum of Art is an artist residency that has been initiated to take place at Kraftverket as a joint project by Kultivera, Uppsala Literature Center and Turkey-Europe Foundation. The project takes place in Tranås, Sweden, and is funded through the Creative Force program which is a Swedish Institute program.
The residency is an exploratory project which is designed to empower female artists and activists from Turkey, to promote free speech, artistic freedom, equality and development of democratic structures.
During their stay at the residency, the artists will be writing a daybook of their experiences, to share and document their overview of Sweden. Throughout the program, the artists will have local meet-ups with the Swedish artists, writers, activists, journalists, NGO representatives, researchers, politicians, students as well as being part of open workshops and discussion groups that will be co-organized with the participation of other platforms in various cities.

Kultivera vill motverka diskriminering och främja lika rättigheter och möjligheter oavsett kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionshinder, sexuell läggning eller ålder. Allt Kultiveras arbete sker utifrån ett medvetet mångfalds-, jämlikhets- och jämställdhetsperspektiv.

Ett kulturellt nätverk i nära samarbete med:
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Kulturrådet, Litteraturcentrum-Kvu, Spegel, Tranås Kommun, Region Jönköpings län. 

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